Lamar University Surplus

Property Management

The Deparment of Property Managment Oversees the Surplus Warehouse and Surplus Request.

Surplus Warehouse

The Surplus Warehouse houses furniture and equipment that have been gently used and are no longer needed by various departments across the campus.

Every Friday, between 9am and 11am, Lamar University employees can visit the warehouse to select items that can be put to use by their department. Paperwork will be filled out on site.

It's important to note that the direct sale of state property is prohibited. 

The inventory of the warehouse changes every week, so there are always new items to choose from.

Have Surplus Equipment or Furniture Removed from your Department

The process to remove outdated, damaged or unneeded equipment and furniture is quite easy.

Below you will find the Surplus Removal Request form.


This is the form that will need to be filled out to request for someone to come physically remove items from your area. This equipment will be brought to Lamar's Surplus Warehouse.


Please note that if the equipment to be removed contains a LU tag number, indicating the equipment is listed on inventory, the tag numbers must be recorded and the department's Property Custodian must sign the request form.


  1. Fill out the top of the form with accurate contact information in case the team sent out to complete the request has any questions.
  2. Indicate the equipment to be removed as well as its current location and condition. (Please be descriptive)
  3. Record the equipment's LU tag# if it has one. (six digit number on a physical tag / written in sharpy).
  4. The serial number should be record if possible to distinguish your item from the many others in the office.
  5. Note any special instruction or request of any kind in the comments section. Any additional information is usually helpful.
  6. Lastly have the department Property Custodian review and sign.

(Your request will be denied if a request containing tagged equipment is not accompanied by a signature of the Property Custodian.)

  1. Send the request to


And that’s it!



Check status of submitted request