'You Can Come from Lamar 和 Go Anywhere:’ Grad 布兰登营 on his journey to Harvard Law

布兰登营 was incredibly (和 underst和ably) nervous for his Harvard Law School interview. As the first of his family to pursue any education beyond a bachelor’s degree, it was an opportunity he had only dreamed of when starting his LSAT journey.

当面试官问到十大电子游艺网站排行时, he jokingly referred to it as “Harvard on the Neches” — an old nickname still used by some professors 和 lawyers.

尽管局势紧张, 营 kept things light 和 humorous in his interview — a choice that 他说 may have been the deciding factor for his acceptance into Harvard Law School. 布兰登营

但是,当应届毕业生展望光明的未来, he also reflects on his journey at “Harvard on the Neches” — the ups 和 downs, 奖项和荣誉, 挑战和艰苦的工作, 以及十大电子游艺网站排行给他提供的机会.

关于坎普有很多可说的. 5月13日,他以优异的成绩毕业,获得学士学位 政治科学刑事司法. 他是一位多产的获奖者和高成就者, 他在十大电子游艺网站排行期间赢得了无数荣誉.

上周在舞台上表演, 营, 像许多学生一样, graduated with a passion in his field; 然而, his fervor for 政治科学 和 刑事司法 wasn’t always so. 他最初在中学时想成为一名演员, 他说, but it was some time in high school that he shifted to his current professional goals 和 found his calling, 可以这么说.

“My favorite thing about both of my majors is that they are each connected to every other aspect of life. Dr. (Terri) 戴维斯 once said it is a little audacious to study 政治科学, 因为它是连接生活和事物的所有其他方面的场, 在某种程度上, 研究一切,坎普说。. “I chose to study 政治科学 和 刑事司法 because I knew they would be a good backbone for studying the law. I decided to look into the legal field because I knew it would allow me to have a mentally stimulating 和 rewarding career, 同时希望成为世界上的一股积极力量.”

在他上周上台之前,记住这一点很重要, he, 太, 一个高中生正在决定上哪所大学吗.

“I came to 十大电子游艺网站排行 because of the incredibly generous scholarship opportunities,坎普说. “I likely would not have been able to attend a 4-year university like Lamar without the financial assistance I received.”

他还记得他的第一节课——和Dr. 露西·查多博士和《十大电子游艺网站排行》. 戴维斯. Unlike many freshmen, 然而, he wasn’t quite as nervous as you’d expect first coming to college.

“I had taken many dual credit classes 和 summer classes through a community college, 所以我并没有进入一个全新的世界, but I was excited to be learning about something that interested me greatly,他说.

坎普很快就加入了许多组织, 比如在法学院预科社团担任财务主管和副总裁, 作为LU模拟法庭的主席和副总裁, 曾短暂担任SGA公关主席, 大使, 模拟联合国, 里德荣誉学院, 西格玛阿尔法和欧米克隆德尔塔卡帕.

He would also come to be recognized for his achievements — the Plummer Award, Irving O. 道森奖,C. 罗伯特·肯布尔奖, 重要性识别高级八个学期的校长名单 National Runner-Up in Pi Sigma Alpha's Best Undergraduate Paper Contest, quarterfinalist at regional 和 invitational moot court competitions 和 honored 和 distinguished delegation recognitions at state 和 national 模拟联合国 conferences.

在所有的荣誉中, 然而, 营说 the ones that means the most to him are the Kemble award 和 the 道森 award.

“The Kemble award surprised me the most 和 it means a great deal to me that I am seen as having a strong impact upon Lamar,他说. “The 道森 award also means a lot to me because of the name 和 legacy of Irving O. 道森. 虽然我从未见过他, the legendary story of him helping David Beck through his time at Lamar reflects the kind of person I want to be 和 that all should strive to be. Dr. 戴维斯在最近的一篇文章中详细描述了这个故事 LU Moment播客.”

除了那些奖项和荣誉, he has also made memories at LU that will last a lifetime — even if they didn’t actually take place at the university.

布兰登营“My favorite moment at 十大电子游艺网站排行 probably wasn't actually at Lamar,坎普说. “Sophomore year, I was able to visit the nation's capital with 里德荣誉学院. 我们是去参加全国模拟联合国大会的, but we had plenty of extra time to explore 和 it was a lot of fun while getting in some experiential learning.”

当然, 在这条路上有一些挑战, 营说, 解释他是如何全职工作的, running a small online business 和 attending school full-time as well.

“我确实学到了时间管理和压力的意义, as some days I would run from my law firm job to my desk shift as an RA, 然后去补订单,然后写论文,他说. “Most days were pretty action packed so I am definitely looking forward to resting this summer before gearing up for law school this fall.”

他的这段旅程在5月13日毕业那天划上了句号. But 营 will only be coming up for air before he plans to attend Harvard Law School.

“(毕业)感觉很好,但没有你想象的那么好. It is definitely both a sigh of relief 和 a breath of fresh air to have had my years at Lamar culminate into my diploma, but knowing I still have three years of law school right around the corner made it feel like less of an end 和 more of a pause,这位刚毕业的学生说. “But I do enjoy learning when I am interested in the topic, so I am also excited at the same time.”

The moment he got the call that he’d been accepted to Harvard felt like a dream, 营 explained. “保持4分的辛苦工作感觉很棒.0分和获得一个很好的LSAT分数是值得的."

他对未来的计划看起来很光明, 但坎普指出,他永远不会忘记十大电子游艺网站排行, 是什么使他踏上这趟旅程的.

“I am moving to the Boston area for Harvard with my fiancée, who I plan to marry this year. 法学院毕业后, we might stay on the east coast for a little while but plan to eventually return to Texas to start a family. I want to work somewhere within the government on appellate or constitutional law issues, but will be happy in any role that is both mentally stimulating 和 spiritually fulfilling,坎普说, noting that he will always remember his time at 十大电子游艺网站排行 和 the promising path it set him on. “Lamar may be a smaller school, but it is jam-packed with resources 和 amazing professors. I hope to stay in touch with the professors I have found a connection with. Lamar has certainly provided a strong backbone for my study of the law. My experience here has shown that you can come from Lamar 和 go anywhere.”