Center 奖学金

Now Accepting 2024-2025 Fellowship Applications!

To receive full consideration, applications must be received on or before March 1, 2024.   

The Center for History and Culture of Southeast Texas and the Upper Gulf Coast invites applications for research and 有创意的 fellowships for the 2024-2025 academic year.    

The Center supports the production, 内容管理, and transmission of knowledge about Southeast Texas and the greater Gulf Coast with a commitment to multicultural, interdisciplinary, 协作, and community-focused projects. To achieve these goals, the Center supports the work of scholars, 作者, 艺术家, community leaders, and others who represent varied specializations and backgrounds.   

Our fellowship program supports projects that contribute to the broader understanding of our region. The Center encourages applications from any scholarly discipline or 有创意的 field. We are especially interested in work that consider our core geographic region or situates it within broader national, 半球, or global contexts. The Center funds projects in art, 环境, 历史, 新闻, 文学, 表演, 社会科学, and other forms of scholarly inquiry or 有创意的 endeavor. If circumstances permit, the Center may request Fellows to present their results with the 十大电子游艺网站排行 and Southeast Texas communities. 

We request that Fellows acknowledge the support that they receive in future outcomes such as publications, film and audio productions, 表演 and 展览 文学, and other formats, citing “The Center for History and Culture of Southeast Texas and the Upper Gulf Coast at 十大电子游艺网站排行.”     

奖学金 are open to scholars, 创意人员, advanced graduate students, and community leaders whose work contributes to the Center’s mission. Fellows may receive awards up to $5,000. 十大电子游艺网站排行 faculty may also be eligible for a one-semester 25% teaching load reduction. If warranted, Fellows may apply for an additional year. The Center encourages applications for lesser amounts and may offer partial funding upon the recommendation of the Fellowship Jury.   

Previous fellows have used our support for projects resulting in scholarly publications, short documentary films, 口述历史, archival preservation, poetry anthologies, and music and theater 表演s.   

Present and Past Fellows


Application Instructions 

To apply, submit the following in PDF format:   

研究 statement (maximum 1000 words) that provides a narrative description of the scholarly, 有创意的, or community project that includes the following:   

  • Explanation of the project’s significance, discussing its relevance to the mission of the Center for History and Culture. 
  • Detailed plan with a clear methodology.
  • Timeline with reasonable goals for completion. 
  • Declaration of specific outcome including but not limited to publication, 展览, 内容管理, 表演, or community engagement. 
  • (Optional) Plan for student involvement and/or community initiative. 

 资金要求 of up to $5000 that includes the following: 

  • Clear statement (maximum 300 words) explaining how the funding will further the applicant’s research, 有创意的, or community agenda. 
  • Brief budget with specific and reasonable allocations. 
  • The Center may offer partial funding upon recommendation of the Fellowship Jury.  

Previous grants and awards (both internal and external) received in the last five years.   

Brief CV or resume (1-2 pages) demonstrating a record of scholarship or 有创意的 output and the potential to contribute to the Center’s mission.   

Send applications in PDF format as email attachment/s to the Center director Jimmy L. 小布莱恩(  by March 1, 2024.   

Fellowship Evaluation Criteria 

The Fellowship Jury may consist of members of the Center’s 咨询委员会, previous Fellows, Faculty Affiliates, or other experts in their respective fields. The jury will rank each fellowship application based on the following criteria:   

  • Merit of proposed research or 有创意的 agenda (50%)—gauging the potential significance of the project’s contribution to the Center’s mission based on stated methodologies and outcomes.   
  • Previous contributions in applicant’s field (20%)—taking into account experience, publications, and other scholarly, 有创意的, or community outcomes. 
  • Relevance to core region (20%)—the significance of the project to Southeast Texas and the greater Gulf Coast regions.  
  • Potential for student and/or community engagement (10%).